April 15, 2014

The QF Attitude

Looking for a 'Quick Fix': the result is more important than the process. The faster, the better.

This leads to frustration: you get only an occasional 'prize enjoyment moment' instead of loving it all the way.

And then, you never go too deep about it.

True love takes decades to mature and then decades to savor.

April 08, 2014

Exploring the dark side

No dark corner should be left unlit.

No dark feeling should be left unexplored.

April 03, 2014

Leonardo da Vinci (attrib) - la Belle Ferroniere

Good goals

1. Positive
Bad: I'd like to stop eating meat.
Better: I'd like to eat only vegetables and fruit.

2. Measurable
Bad: I'd like to improve my flute playing skills.
Better: I'd like to learn 10 new tunes and 5 new techniques.

3. Controllable
Bad: I'd like to become a popular musician.
Better: I'd like to find my own voice and meaning in music.

4. Gradual
Bad: I'd like to become a world-famous musician.
Better: I'd like to become known in my neighborhood, then town, then county, etc.

5. Sincere
Bad: I'd like to do this because my family want it.
Better: I'd like to do it because I can't not do it.

6. Balanced
Bad: I'd like to work harder and also find extra time for my hobbies.
Better: I'd like to prioritize my activities to find the exact balance.