September 27, 2015


Karma is like getting a higher education: what I'm doing now will influence my life quality in the future. And if I haven't passed a test or an exam, I'll have to retake them until I do.

September 17, 2015

The 'almost' trap

Almost's never work. The closer the almost is to the perfect, the more frustrating it can get, because the almost never crosses the line to become the perfect.

Every time I find myself thinking it's just a little change away from what I'm looking for, it's time to pause and wake up.

Closer to myself

I keep moving in the direction of my true self, drawing in 'my' people and 'my' things into my world. Life's too short to be wasted on remaking what can't be remade and changing those who can't be changed. Instead, I choose to choose something or someone different.

Every change I make either brings me closer to myself or takes me farther from myself. The trick is to see which change is which, and then stick to the former.